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  • Writer's pictureArizona Senate Republicans

Senator Shope Calls on Hobbs to Deploy National Guard to Keep Lukeville Port of Entry Open


Friday, December 1, 2023

Senator Shope Calls on Hobbs to Deploy National Guard to Keep Lukeville Port of Entry Open for Arizonans Traveling to and from Puerto Peñasco

PHOENIX, ARIZONA— Biden's border crisis continues to devastate Arizonans, as U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials announce plans to close the Lukeville Port of Entry to traffic this upcoming Monday in order to provide adequate resources to respond to the invasion of illegals along our southern border.

"This closure will detrimentally impact those vacationing in the popular beach town of Puerto Peñasco, stripping commuters of a safe and direct route back into Arizona," said Senator T.J. Shope. "I'm calling on Governor Hobbs to use her executive power for the safety of our citizens by deploying Arizona National Guard resources to the border to help alleviate the overwhelmed law enforcement currently battling this crisis with zero support from Joe Biden and his administration. As our state's top government official, she cannot turn a blind eye to the security threat directly impacting our citizens. Forcing Arizonans to travel hours out of their way on routes vulnerable to cartel organizations, terrorists, and other criminals seeking to do harm is completely unacceptable. I'm demanding swift action from Hobbs to protect our citizens and our communities. Anything less showcases her complicity with Biden's irresponsible and dangerous agenda. Additionally, I strongly encourage our Arizona congressional delegation to demand this decision is promptly reversed."


For more information, contact:

Kim Quintero

Director of Communications | Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus

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